Register for Synergy Meet 2022 Here
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Participation Certificates will be provided for all participants.
Registration Fee: ₹50
Event List with Rules
1.) Hire Hunters
2.) House Of HR
Hire Hunters
Name Of The Event : Hire Hunters
No. Of Rounds – 2
Round 1 : Resume Evaluation
Time allocated: 20 – 30 minutes
Description : Each of the participants will be given a job description and 4 resumes in accordance with the job description. The participant must evaluate these resumes relating to the job description and submit their answer in a feedback format writing why they choose the candidate for the position in pointers. They also has to rate the resumes in an orderly manner. Starting from the most eligible to the least.
Rules & Regulations:
- Resumes should be screened in relevance to the given job description.
- The resumes should be ordered as per priority of selection.
- Total of 8 points ( 2 points each for a resume ) should be stated as the reasons for the given priority to the resume.
Round 2 : Stress Interview
Time Allocated: 30 – 60 minutes
Description: The selected participants from round 1 will be paired up. Each of them will have their turn to be the interviewer and interviewee. The interview must be based on the stress coping questions triggering their instincts to use their presence of mind and find a solution. The participants will be given 10 – 12 minutes to prepare their questions to shoot when their turn comes to be the interviewer.
Rules & Regulations:
The job description given should be properly followed during questioning.
No additional time will be provided.
Repeated questions will not be considered for evaluation.
House Of HR
Name of the Event: House Of HR
No. Of Rounds: 2
Round 1 : Quiz
Time allocated: 40 – 45 minutes
Description: This is the traditional method of conducting a quiz pen to paper. The questions will be presented to the participants and they will have to submit their answers in the written format in the sheets provided to them. The winners will be going to the next round.
Round 2 : Hr Crisis & Strategies
Time Allocated: 60 minutes
Description : The participants will be given a HR crisis that a company went through. The participant has to build up strategies to overcome the problem and how to use it at its advantage. The strategies currently used and the feasibility of the strategies they present will be evaluated and the winner will be selected.
Rules & Regulations:
- No reference is allowed ( internet )
- 20 mins allocated for each team ( both discussion and presenting the ideas to panel )
- Time Limit should be maintained accurately
- Team coordination is evaluate
1.) Market Mobiles
2.) Pitch Perfect
Market Mobiles
Name of the event: Market Mobiles
No. Of Rounds: 1
Time Allocated: 60 – 90 minutes
Description: Brand canvasing must be done for a company answering all the whys, starting from the logo to its branding strategy. The participants must be creative in filling their contents and expressing their ideas.
Pitch Perfect
Name Of The Event: Pitch Perfect
No. Of Rounds: 2
Round 1 : Logo Quiz
Time Allocated: 30 – 45 minutes v
Description: The participants will be presented with a screen of logos without its company names and the participants must guess the right company names the logo belong to and answer it in their answer sheets.
Round 2: Poster Making & Analysis
Time Allocated: 60 – 90 minutes
Description: The participants must make posters on the given topics using Canva in their respective laptops and must do an analysis by giving the reason behind every element in the poster.
Rules & Regulations:
- Time Should Be Taken Care Of.
- Poster should be designed only in Canva.
- No Last Minute Changes Are Allowed.
1.) Penny Wise
2.) Slay with Slides
Penny Wise
Name Of The Event: Penny Wise
No. Of Rounds: 2
Round 1: Portfolio Investment
Time Allocated: 30 Minutes
Description: Participants will be given an initial amount, a budget which they have to invest wisely and show the 5 years returns assuming the interest rates.
Round 2: Shipwreck
Time Allocated: 40 – 60 minutes
Description: The CEO names will be given to participants( 4 per ship) on a lottery basis.
Participants will be given time to analyze the company’s profit and loss and important financial decisions taken by them.
Participants have to convince the captain(judge) why they should stay on the ship and explain their worthiness of the spot. Participants can also compare with opponent companies while speaking.
Slay with Slides
Name Of The Event: Slay With Slides
No. Of Rounds: 1
Time Allocated: 10 – 15 minutes
Description: The participants will have to make a presentation regarding the finance reports of a renowned company which will be allotted to them prior to the competition. The presentation must be made ready beforehand of the competition and it can have up to 20 slides maximum. The presentation will be followed by a Question and Answer session.
Judgement Criteria: The name, revenue, COGS, operating profits and net profit, P&L balance sheet, cash flow statement, income statement, Financial ratios and important financial decisions taken by the company will be taken into account and awarded marks.
1.) Crack The Case
Name Of The Event: Crack The Case
No. Of Rounds: 1
Time Allocated: 30 minutes
Form a 1 to 3 members team and solve the case after reading and understanding the issue
The team is given certain Key Activities to be focused upon and solve the case with respect to given constraints
Rules and regulations:
- The case study will be provided on the spot of the event
- The participants must present their answers in the stipulated time period.
1.) Battle Of The Minds (debate)
2.) Think it.! Ink It.! (Creative writing)
Battle Of Minds
Name of the event: Battle Of Minds
The participants are split into two groups. One will talk for the topic and one will talk against the topic. The groups will split on the spot only. Each participant of the group will take turns in delivering their ideas supporting their side of the topic. The contestants from group 1 will start the conversation and then the contestants from group 2 will continue with their take on the topic. This fashion will be followed throughout. The contestants will be solely judged on the valid points they deliver and the way they deliver it.
Rules and regulations:
- This is an individual event.
- A participant will be given only one chance to talk about their views on the topic.
- The participant can criticise the view of their opponents. But they must put it in an appropriate manner.
- Each participant is given 3 minutes to complete their speech.
- Exceeding the time limit is strictly not allowed.
- Use of abusive terms will make them disqualified for the event.
- The topic will be announced on the spot only.
- Though the participants are split into groups they will be assessed as an individual only.
Think It.! Ink It.!
Name of the Event: Think It.! Ink It.!
The participants will be given a topic on spot for which they are expected to write creative, out of the box content. Using attractive terms and ideas to express their views on the topic. The participants are judged based on their writing skills, vocabulary and creativity.
Rules and Regulations:
- This is an individual event.
- The participants are given 45 minutes to complete drafting.
- The time will not be extended for any reason.
- The participants must submit their works either handwritten or typed within the stipulated time frame.
- Plagiarism will make the participants disqualified for the event.
- The topic will be announced on the spot.